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[IT] 인도 KFC “테이크아웃 세트에 보조배터리 제공

by JoyKim 2016. 6. 27.



인도 KFC 치킨이 테이크아웃 메뉴 5in1 박스에 보조 배터리를 내장한 와트어박스(Watt A Box)를 선보였다. 이제까지 맥도날드를 비롯한 패스트푸드 전문 체인이 유럽 등에서 스마트폰 고객을 겨냥한 아이디어 상품을 한정적으로 내놓은 바 있다. 하지만 이번에는 테이크아웃 손님을 대상으로 한 것.


이 제품에 들어간 보조 배터리는 박스에서 분리할 수도 있다. 앞쪽에는 전원 버튼과 상태 표시등이 위치하고 있으며 마이크로USB와 USB 타입A 단자가 하나씩 달려 있다.




물론 이 제품을 받아볼 수 있는 곳은 인도 델리와 뭄바이에 위치한 KFC 매자에 한정된다. 보조배터리를 공급하는 곳은 뭄바이에 있는 블링크디지털(Blink Digital)이라는 기업이다. 같은 상품을 이용해 다른 국가에서 캠페인을 진행할 가능성은 높지 않다고 할 수 있다.


와트어박스의 용량은 6,100mAh다. 다만 성능에는 큰 기대를 하지 않는 게 좋을 듯하다. 아이폰5s 같은 제품을 연결하면 30분 연결해도 17% 밖에 충전할 수 없다고 한다. 안드로이드 스마트폰 역시 7%로 더 낮은 결과를 보였다고. 관련 내용은 이곳에서 확인할 수 있다.

<기사원문> http://www.bgr.in/news/hands-on-with-kfcs-watt-a-box-that-charges-your-phone-while-you-eat/ 


Want to enjoy some fried chicken and get your smartphone charged along with it? KFC has you covered with its 5-in-1 meal box called Watt a Box. Created in collaboration with its Mumbai-based digital agency, Blink Digital, the limited edition Watt a Box can only be won through contests held at select stores in Delhi and Mumbai, or through an online contest on KFC India’s Facebook page.

The box comes with magnetic flaps and contains your usual meal but has a power bank integrated on its side. The box also comes with micro-USB and Lightning cables to charge your iPhone or Android smartphones. The best thing is the power bank is removable, so you can carry it along.


The power bank claims to have a 6,100mAh battery but the claims fell short during our brief test. We put an iPhone 5s to charge, which gained 17 percent battery after charging for half-an-hour. But the downside was that the power bank was drained during this process. We recharged the power bank to 100 percent and tried to charge a Redmi Note 3. But the power bank ran out of juice again with the phone gaining just 7 percent of charge.

ALSO READ: KFC’s greasy chicken bucket doubles up into a high-tech Bluetooth photo printer


Clearly, this is a power bank to charge your gadgets while you eat and isn’t exactly supposed to double up as a power bank. Despite the tiny battery, we love the concept. KFC has come up with similar marketing campaigns in the past as well. Back in September last year, it came up with the ‘Don’t Panic Man’ campaign in Romania, which rewarded people with a free meal for coming to a KFC store when social media platforms were down.

KFC is not the only one to toy with such marketing campaigns. Pizza Hut came up with a limited edition box in Hong Kong that converted into a projector for smartphones. McDonald’s had launched a special edition of its Happy Meal boxes in Sweden that could be converted into cardboard VR headsets. Coca Cola too had a similar cardboard VR headset one could make from its 12-pack cartons.
